You can support a community that will support you! Our unique campus community is made up of caring, compassionate, and professional individuals dedicated to innovating the future of medical education.
Your Gift Matters
Greatest Need
Private support is essential to the growth and development of Noorda-COM. Unrestricted gifts which can be used by the President for unexpected opportunities and needs help assure Noorda-COM ability to realize its vision and mission.
Unrestricted gifts, which are used with discretion to meet needs and opportunities as seen fit, are key to achieving the highest priorities at Noorda-COM. Whether it’s to help recruit high achieving students from the region, to help students attend conferences and symposia for research presentations, or to support a new opportunity to engage with the community, your unrestricted contribution will hep Noorda-COM fulfill its mission for the community.

At Noorda-COM, among our greatest needs is scholarship support for our medical students. We all know that medical school is expensive, but our students are making an extra sacrifice to attend during the school’s pre-accreditation status.
As a new medical school, Noorda-COM is not yet eligible for Title IV federal funding for financial aid. So, the need for scholarship support is even greater as it helps alleviate a major additional concern as our students pursue their medical school journey – financial debt.
Your donation, regardless of the amount, makes a significant impact on our students’ education and overall quality of life.
Gifts to the Research Fund enable Noorda-COM to develop successful research programs and research centers. Through these programs, Noorda-COM can make a priority of encouraging new researchers to develop promising research ideas and applying for extramural funding.
Research funding allows Noorda-COM to designate “seed money” to enable faculty to develop new research concepts. Research projects funded under this program encompass both the biomedical and clinical areas.

Noorda COM Cares Student Emergency Fund
The journey through medical school is challenging enough, but when financial hardships caused by emergency situations arise, it can often create dire circumstances for students. Whether it’s funding needed to cover transportation costs while a vehicle is being repaired; food or housing insecurities caused by an unexpected critical incident; or travel funds needed to be with a sick family member, many students do not know where to turn in their time of crisis.
We are actively seeking support of the Noorda-COM Cares Student Emergency Fund to provide our students with short-term emergency financial assistance. Private gifts to this fund demonstrate a commitment to being compassionate, caring, and student-centered. These gifts help ensure that our Noorda-COM students can pursue their chosen career path and go on to meet the critical healthcare needs in our communities without the added burdens caused when emergency situations arise.
Simulation Center
Noorda-COM’s innovative approach to medical education relies heavily upon the use of sophisticated technologies to ensure student and physician competencies and that they remain at the forefront in the practice of medicine.
Gifts to the Noorda-COM Simulation Center allow the college to equip these facilities with the latest equipment including high fidelity medical manikins, augmented reality, virtual reality, and task trainers. These allow us to educate our students, residents, and physicians in patient care skills from interviewing patients to managing complex medical emergencies.
Noorda-COM will also offer specialized training programs to local physicians, paramedics, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. These programs will help improve the overall quality of healthcare in our community, assist in the prevention of medical errors, and promote new technologies to improve health outcomes in rural areas and underserved communities.

Community Outreach
At Noorda-COM, we believe that giving back to the local community is an integral part of our students’ medical education. Students from Noorda-COM actively participate in a variety of community engagement activities. These include volunteering at local community centers, schools, and fairs; providing healthcare assistance to uninsured patients through their work at the Volunteer Care Clinic; and more.
Additionally, Noorda-COM has recently launched its Kaufusi’s Keikis health outreach program in partnership with Mayor Michelle Kaufusi, the City of Provo, and the Provo School District. The goal of this health outreach program is to ensure that every elementary-aged within the Provo City School District receives a thorough health screening while in elementary school, and that families of these children are provided with resources they can access to address any health-related issues identified through the screenings.